The 4 fundamental brand architecture types     By definition; In the field of brand management, brand architecture is the structure of brands within an organizational entity. It is the way brands within a company’s portfolio are related to, and differentiated from, one another. Wikipedia Brand Architecture is a system that organizes brands, products and services to help an audience access and relate to a brand. A successful Brand Architecture enables consumers to form opinions and preferences for an entire family of brands by interacting or learning about only one brand in that family.   Building Blocks of Brand Architecture Knowing the four brand architecture types and their differences will allow you to structure your organisation in a way that is both manageable and practical with further option for growth and adaption without drastic disruption in later years.  
  • Branded House
Within a branded house, a parent brand which is normally more well known with a solid brand image and sense of trust is the head of the table. All of the sub-brands within the organization will share the company name with a subdivision name explaining their role within the group dynamic. Examples of branded house corporations are; Google, FedEx, General Electric    
  • House of Brands
Although house of brands also has a parent brand, unlike a branded house the parent brand is not represented with all sub-brands. The parent brand is more of a supportive role and is often also less well known than that of their sub brands. The parent brand is irrelevant when compared to the sub-brands especially when the sub-brands are so well known. Examples of House of Brands corporations are: P&G, Unilever, General Motors    
  • Endorsed Brands
The endorsed brand is a perfect blend, a hybrid if you will between a Branded House and a House of Brands whereby although there is a parent name; some sub-brands hold the parent name while others do not. The endorsed brand has both a supportive and dominant parent. Examples for endorsed brands are; Marriot, Nestle, Kelloggs, Coca Cola    
  • Sub Brand
As a relative to the parent brand, the sub brand supports and benefits from the parent. The sub brand might be tied to the parent brand however has its own unique qualities, roles and responsibilities. The sub brand has the opportunity to take advantage of the parent brands equity while each sub brand caters to a different segment or customer requirement. Examples of sub brand corporations are: Apple, Virgin, Amazon     Lay the foundation today “Start with the end in mind” – Steven Covey. When you consider the bigger picture and the legacy you wish to leave behind before you even start; you open your mind to endless possibility without judgement, prejudice, resistance or reservation. Prepare your business with a structure that you can grow and expand into.